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Social Media Coordinator signing off

Saying goodbye to the Muleskinner is bittersweet. I started off at the Muleskinner as a confused volunteer looking to get involved but not knowing where to start. I then became a contributor and wrote stories and covered events until I was able to find my voice and began writing about topics I am passionate about. I have learned so much and made so many memories at the Muleskinner.

I would like to thank all of our hardworking staff for staying up late and coming in early. I will also never forget our one of a kind faculty adviser, Matt Bird-Meyer, who has said himself, he would take a sword for his students, in his interview right before winning Adviser of the Year at the 2019 Missouri College Media Association conference. The memories we have made in the newsroom will always stick with me even as we all go our separate ways.

I will never forget the skills and knowledge I have learned from working behind the scenes at the Muleskinner as a writer and social media coordinator. Thank you to our readers for supporting us, and thank you to the Muleskinner staff for becoming a family.

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